Monday, July 20, 2009

Green Thumb Garden

A week or so after moving, I decided to plant a garden at my in-laws house.  They weren't going to use their awesome two raised boxes and welcomed me to have at it! I roped my niece Sienna into helping me weed and plant.  

The before pictures- box two.
My garden helper, Sienna and I after weeding the beds out and planting our seeds and starts.
Both boxes before- hopefully they grow! (box two in the back and one is the front one)

Here are pictures about a month out-
Here is one box- it looks bare because I planted the peas (the big empty space in the middle-right) too late and they didn't do so well.  There are three kinds of peppers, two tomato plants, a zucchini and yellow squash plant as well as a chocolate mint plant.

This is box two and it looks a lot fuller.  It has a TON of green beans, radishes, a possible celery plant (most likely a weed), a few cucumber plants and the little pumpkins!

A little pepper is growing and there are a few more buds starting to grow more peppers.

Green beans galore! Well, not actually any beans yet, but they are growing like crazy!

I also planted baby pumpkins and a few are already starting to grow.

I had a ton of radishes but apparently I didn't thin them soon enough so they didn't have much room to grow. This one grew well and according to Steve, tasted good. :)

Jarad's Grandma Pat gave me some cucumber starts and they are doing wonderful! I have half a dozen cucumbers growing already. We cut one up Sunday and it was tasty!

Zucchini! My zucchini plant has grown enormous and we already picked one so I can make bread.

I also planted tomatoes- two different kinds. There are a lot of tomatoes but they are all still green.  I can't wait for them to turn red so I can eat them!!

Thankfully, Jarad is down at his parents everyday so he's been a huge help in watering and even helped me weed one day.  Although we've only harvested one cucumber and one zucchini, I look forward to lots of fresh veggies from my garden!!


Unknown said...

I can't believe you guys have been gone long enough to have a garden!

Amy S said...

So jealous! it looks amazing and delish. Good work!

Kern County Kids Read said...

Fun! Love it!

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