Thursday, July 24, 2008

Project Kitchen

Seeing as we will be living in our apartment for a while longer, I decided to do some reorganizing and re-beautifying while I have some spare time this summer. I also enlisted Jarad to assist me in this task.

First, we did a little bit of rearranging our counters, hung a magnetic knife strip to get our knife block off the counters and finally broke out our toaster oven we got as a Christmas gift!

Second, the drawers...we searched for some drawer organizers to just slip into our drawers but found nothing that would fit our odd sized drawers. So, we decided to make our own!

Third, our cabinets have a large space between them above our sink (I don't know who designed that, but it looked funny!) and we previously just hung a piece of art in the space to make it look better. But after seeing some of our neighbors apartments that had a shelf there, we decided to put on of those in too!

So, one trip to home depot, some white paint (Thanks Maura!) and some cutting to size, because our walls and cabinet weren't exactly mounted straight, (Thanks Glenn's!)and our projects were complete! I don't have before pictures but here are some after pictures!

Dividers for our drawers! I love organization!

more drawer dividers...

The shelf! I also added some vases & fake grass as well as our newest family member! (read the next post to hear about him!)


Maura said...

Good Looking...that is all there is to say!

Kern County Kids Read said...

Nice! We have made our own drawer dividers before for apartments too. If you still want the art up just find something that will fit flat behind your shelf and it will show through your cute stuff on your shelf (I like it plain though too and then you can see your fish & grass very distinctly.)

J said...

ah....arbor lane, how i miss thee...

nice work on the projects! i think you made it look great, and i am a total organizing freak myself, so i dig what you did with the drawers.