Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sad Sadie

Right after we got back from Mexico, Sadie had to get the snip-snip. One fur-baby is enough for us! She was a champ and healed well and handled it really well.

Sadie was super groggy when I picked her up and most of the night at home. She had a cute bandaid though.

Poor thing had a big ow-ee!

She was so sleepy and snuggly. So cute!

They gave us this collar thing to protect her incision but she hated it! And she didn't fit into her crate with it on, so we didn't make her wear it and instead just wrapped her with an ace bandage around her belly so she wouldn't lick her stiches.

1 comment:

Lance n Amber said...

Ah the cone of shame!! Poor sweet pup!