On the drive up, we stopped and got Olive Garden to go...these kids gotta carb load!
Jar & Linds- trying to connect to the Internet before bed.
In our room was a picture of a previous marathon held in Steamboat.
Here they are- ready to run- Ipods, goo's and water in hand.
And they're off!
I drove the route and met them at a few places along the way.
It was beautiful area and I got to enjoy the scenery while I waited for them to run by me.
Sadie tagged along too! She was so great to keep me company. It was so funny...every time Jarad ran by, Sadie would run after him and then whimper as he kept running and I had to pull her back.
Runnin' woman- seriously, 13.1 miles is a long way!
Runnin' Man- going strong
Jarad crosses the finish line- 2hrs 31 mins. Great job babe!
Lindsey running into the finish! Great job! Way to accomplish your goal!!
They did it! Way to go you guys!
Lindsey biffed it during the race and scrapped up her arm. War wounds to prove your awesomeness!
Jarad and I -hot springs love!
Lindsey & I
This is a picture of the hot springs area.
Sadie had to put her head out the window to feel the mountain air! She is so funny.
I love the picture of you with your hat on. You look beautiful!
Way to go Jarad and Lindsay!! The hot springs look awesome!
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