Sunday, June 28, 2009

Not My Brightest Moment

At our new place, Jar & I have a detached garage. It is great! We love the storage and it is nice to have a guarenteed parking spot. Jarad has been nice enough to let me park in our garage but that all changed this past week after I had a not so bright moment!

Directly across from our garage is some open parking where people like to park their large and long bit type man trucks that hang out further than the parking spaces would normally allow. Apparently because we are in the back of the development they think this is an appropriate place to park. this makes turning into our one car garage (kind of small) kind of a multi-step process. Pull in, back up, try pulling in again, back up again, etc. Well, one day I was pulling in and thought I had enough room on the passenger side when all of the sudden I heard the un-glorious screeching noise! Uh-oh! Side of the garage meet side of the car!

Luckily there wasn't too much damage...mostly just paint transfer. Here is the side-rail.

The back passenger door also got some paint from the garage., Jarad parks his smaller car in the garage. And I am banned from doing so! Not my brightest moment!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Mamma Mia!!

Another great summer activity- movies in the park! We went to see Mamma Mia in Berthoud with Jar's fam.

Steve & Lin enjoying the film.

Jarad & I - Jar especially loved the lady in front of us who sang the whole movie and even gave us a little dance at the end! HA!

Deahna & Sienna and if you look can see Zoe! She loved the movie too!

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Day in Denver

Last weekend, Jarad and I headed down to Denver to spend the day with my family! I was very excited to see them! Sad, that my Mom was out of town and I wouldn't see her yet, but glad to see the rest of the fam that lives here in CO.

We met up with Kevin & Lori at the Denver Zoo and Lindsey & Dad met up with us a while later. We saw tons of cool animals and had alot of fun. Good idea Kev & Lori!

Peacock- such a beautiful bird! We saw two of them with their feathers fully out.

Flamingos- to me, a strange bird...why would you want to stand on one leg all the time?!

Penquins- I love how they waddle.

Dad, Linds, Lori & Kevin- a little hot and muggy inside the reptile house.

Lori & I & the Elephants- Did you know that they live by a matriarchal order?! Girls rule!!!

The Fam- Linds (why do you look like you aren't even with our group?!), Jar & I (why do I look preggo?!), Dad- flyin' solo since Mom was out of town, Lori & Kev.

Giraffes- my favorite animal and Jar- my favorite husband!

After the Denver Zoo, we cruised through downtown to Coors Stadium for the Rockies vs. Mariners game. Kev snagged our tickets from will-call, we bought some sunflower seeds and drinks from the vendors outside and we were off! We really lucked out though because as soon as we got into the stadium a down-pour commenced! It lasted about 15 minutes or so but then it was nice the rest of the night and we were able to enjoy the game. Thanks to Linds for raiding the bathroom paper towel dispenser so we could have dry seats! There was a little division between the family on who should win- some cheered for the Mariners since we grew up watching them, some have become true Coloradian's and cheered for the Rockies and some of us just enjoyed the game!

Kevin & Lori- Go Rockies!

Jarad & I- lovin' the game!


What's a ball game without some greasy food! Hot dogs & Nacho's! Yum!

Sissers- Lindsey & I.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Heading East

The car was the brim! I'm glad we didn't have one more thing to put in my car, cause I don't think it would have fit! We were off...what is normally between a 7 or 8 hour trip, took us almost 9 hours. Guess the weight of all our junk was slowing us down!

Jar & I- ready to make the trek.

Me happy for the potential of what lies ahead. (please note how full the back is!)

Me sad to leave great friends and my comfort zone. (also sad that my seat was literally straight up so that everything would fit in the back!)

We're half way there!

Jarad had to take picture breaks.

Somebody just put me out of my misery! I was really sick of being cramped in my straight up seat!

Really....are we there yet?!?!?!

Jarad wasn't going to make it- between Laramie & Cheyenne, Wyoming there just wasn't rest-stop, nothin'...what do you expect, we were in the middle of no-where Wyoming! So...Jar had to releave himself on the side of the road.

Finally here, glad we made it...welcome the land of boxes!

Looks like this is where we are sleeping tonight...lovesac in the tub!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

So Long Salt Lake

Knowing that moving day was quickly approaching, Jarad and I tried to cram in as much visiting, hanging out, going to our favorite places, etc. before we left. Here is a re-cap of the major highlights (well what I have pictures of at least!).

First, we had to say goodbye to Jason & Amy & Emi. They moved into our complex last summer and we became instant friends! Many nights of shared dinners, playing with Emi (one of the most adorable children I know!), shopping and lots of competitive games of Rook and Hand & Foot will be some of our favorite memories.

Amy, Jason & Emi- thanks to you guys for letting us live in your place for a week!

Precious Emi

Me & Emi

Next we had to finish cleaning and taking our the last of our belongings from good 'ole Arbor Lane #1. It was a good apartment and is filled with two great years of wonderful memories!

We're no longer #1 :(

Another thing we crammed in at 9:45pm one night, was another summer tradition that orgininally started with me and my sisser, Tarina. BOB'S!!!

Jar & I and Cole & Maura at the greatest snowie shack in SLC- Bob's Brainfreeze!

I also had the chance to go to breakfast with our good friend Jenn. She and I met in college, worked together, went back to school and took more classes together and did lots of crazy things together over the years. Thanks for being a great friend Jenn!

Jenn & I

We also got to meet the newest member of the Glenn family- Kaden. Josie was one of the first people to befriend me when we moved into the Millstream Ward. She and I served in Young Women's together, she introduced me to Girl's Night Out. Thanks for all the fun times and all your caring notes and phone calls Jos!

Me, Josie & little Kaden.

We also had a little get-together/farewell party with a bunch of our pals. Tons of those we love couldn't make it, but we know that you love us and we hope you know that we love you too! Thanks to Cole & Maura for hosting the party, since we were homeless and thanks to those who stopped by to say adieu.

Group shot- Cole & Maura, Chrissy & Thayne, Alec & Tiff, Tarina, Chris & Kate and Jar & I.

One of the last things we did, was say see ya later to my sisser, Tarina, her hubby Chris and little one Kate. I was fortunate enough to get to go hang out with Tarina & Kate many afternoons after work. I had to get in all the Kate time I could before moving. She is so cute and is lucky to have the most amazing parents!
I couldn't say it better than you T- thanks for your post about our friendship. No amount of miles or years could take away the countless memories we've shared over the past eight years nor change the amazing sisterhood and friendship we have! I love you!

Cutest Kate playing in her bouncer while I chat with T.

Me & my newest neice Kate.

Chris, Tarina & Kate- family forever!

Jarad & I also made time to go to OUR temple to do some sealings. We love going back to the place where almost three years ago, we were sealed for time and all eternity to each other. It helps us remember what we promised that day and how much we love each other.

We love OUR temple- the beautiful Bountiful temple will always have a special place in our hearts.

Simply amazing!

Just before we drove out of town, we stopped by Cole & Maura's one last time. We met them in our first married ward, became friends and made a pact to stay friends. We both moved out of that ward, but we stayed friends and we finally convinced them to move into our building! We will always remember game nights, going out to many new resturaunts, concerts, hours of chatting and many other countless memories! We can't wait to see you guys over Labor Day!

Cole & Maura

We've loved all our years (8 for me and 4 for Jar) in Salt Lake and not only have gobs of great memories of our time there, but great friends and family that we will always treasure and love and won't soon forget!!!

So Long Salt Lake, thanks for it all!!! We'll see you soon!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House

Oquirrh Mountain Temple

Before we left, we had to take advantage of all the temples that are in Utah. Especially since Colorado, currently, only has one and it is an hour drive from our house. So, we went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House with our pals Cole & Maura.

It was so beautiful inside and out! I loved the tile work throughout the inside- AMAZING! And they pictures inside are so amazing and vibrant. I also loved the textures and textiles that they used in the decor. Seriously, it is so beautiful! And nothing beats the feeling of being in the House of the Lord, even before it is dedicated.

If you haven't gone yet, and you live in should!

The gang...Cole & Maura and Jarad & I.

The ladies...Maura & I.

Here is Jarad's photo-journalistic picture of the Temple and the area across the street for "free speech."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Tradition

Jarad and I love going to Bee's Games during the summer so of course we had to go before we left!
We love the ambiance of going to baseball games. We probably don't watch half of the actual game, but we just have so much fun! Again, according to tradition, we had Colossamo hot dogs..fully loaded! YUMMY! It was pretty stormy for a while...ok, actually from about the middle of the first inning through the WHOLE game! But those Bee's just kept on playin'! We, just moved seats so we were under the cover and snuggled in under some blankets and enjoyed it all!

Thanks to Tarina & Chris for hooking us up with some deals on tickets!

Chris, Tarina & adorable Kate.

Maura & Cole- thanks for sharing the kettle corn!

Us! Go Bee's!