Friday, December 5, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree!!!

I love Christmas!!! It is my favorite holiday and I get really excited and some may even say neurotic about decorating!
So, Monday night, Jarad & I went tree hunting. The first place, was a dud...but the second place was awesome!! We found the perfect tree!!!

Here we are after finding our tree.

The tree in our apartment...looks good!

Look how excited Jarad is to string the lights and decorate for Christmas! (He puts up with my neuroticness very well!)

Here I am decorating our tree.

Jar was very helpful in decorating too!

Our cute!

I even put up our mini-village!

Us and our gorgeous tree! (gotta love the self-portraits!)

I just have to say it again...I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!


korth fam said...

Great lighting job Jarad, I can tell your concentration paid off.

Merry Christmas


Kern County Kids Read said...

Super fun! Putting the lights on the tree is the hardest part I think. You got a nice full-looking tree. Tres chic decorating!

Anonymous said...

I love your tree! When I saw your pictures I asked Kev to go out in the garage and get our tree so I can put it up this week! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I love you guys. I hope you are feeling better so we can hang out soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks :) the cat has been knocking ornaments off the tree right and left and now almost all of them are closer to the front of the tree and none on the bottom...and i need Dad to help me fix the branches...the screws are loose so it looks a little funny! Aren't sugar cookies fun? Are you giving them out? i have to give you this pumpkin dessert recipe you will LOVE is to die for! Hope you guys are doing well :)
Love, Lindsey