Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Woes of the Week

So, I just feel like whining...and since Jarad's at work and no one else is here...well, I'm going to whine at the blog. This week has been crazy! Two major "woes" on my mind right now. First, Jarad's car...well, lets just say, that it has been in the shop since Friday (today's Wed!) and the weekend before that, it was in the shop for 2 days as well. Needless to say...the little Nissan is havin' a rough time of it...which in turn means so is our checkbook! Cars will suck you dry! Second "woe", I'm sick! Today is day 7 and I'm still hatin' life...anyway, hopefully these antibiotics, aka horse-pills, I've been taking the last 3 days will kick in to gear soon! Ok...well, that is enough whining from me, thanks for listening...back to my comfy bed and book!


Chris.Tarina.Kate.Lucy said...

Sad days Ash! If it makes you feel any better BOTH of our cars are shop needing!! No fun....we feel the pain.

Glad to see the Rascal Flatt photos! Sounds like a fun concert.

Get feeling better soon girly girl! Love ya!!! -Wein

Janna said...

GIRLIE!!! GET BETTER SOON! Nothing is worse than being stressed AND sick! I hope Jarad's car gets fixed soon and that you get better ever sooner! Love ya!!!

Kern County Kids Read said...

Ugh- hope you feel better soon! We need to get the alignment fixed on one of our cars too and have been putting it off!

geri said...

:( If it makes you feel better (even slightly) you are loved in Maryland! I understand the car trauma, the ol' Corolla is at 203,000 and I keep praying we can get 47,000 more out of her. Hope you are feeling better!