Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hey Hoser!

Avery Gailey- after doin' the "Daisy Dance"

Wynter- drooler extraordinaire! (hence the lack of a shirt)

Adam & Allison Hammond

Saturday night, Adam (pre-marriage roommate of Jarad's)& Allison were kind enough to invite us up to their new townhome in West Haven (by Ogden). So Chad (also pre-marriage roommate of Jarad's) & Tara, Kevin (brother of Chad) & Jackie and their two daughters, Avery & Wynter and Jarad & I loaded up in Kevin & Jackie's suberban-like car and headed northward. Snowing all the way, we made it in just over an hour but luckily Avery supplied entertainment with the DVD- Cinderella. After arriving we got the grand tour of the new pad, and it's really cute. Way to go A & A!!! They also fixed a grand dinner of burritos! They were delicious! A game of Boxer's & Brief's (similiar to Apples to Apples) was enjoyed by all as well as a few renditions of the "Daisy Dance" curtosy of Avery. We had tons of fun and can't wait to hang out with everyone again!

1 comment:

Chad and Tara said...

Look at my super cute nieces! I just adore those girls!