Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wise at 5

So, I've got a bit of a cold and am very congested and don't sound like myself but I didn't think I sounded that bad. But apparently I do. Please note what I was told by a wise- five year old today at work.

Student: "Why does your voice sound so funny?"

I replied, "I am sick and sometimes our voices sound funny when we are sick."

His response: "You are suppose to talk like a girl not a boy!"

Thank you for that! Sick day tomorrow and hopefully by next week I will sound like a girl again!


Unknown said...

the funnest part about all of this is that I thought all your students where deaf!!! Must be some cold!

mividaloca said...

out of the mouth of babes! Got to love them! Working with children definitely keeps you humble :) Cute story, Ash, thanks for sharing

The Lorentz Family said...

Haha.. that's funny. Glad to see that you guys are happy and hoppin =) Now I can keep myself updated on what goes on over there in salt lake. And yes! You are cute!


Amy S said...

Thats funny. Kids don't lie! :) Hope you're feelin better.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha. That is way funny. How are you feeling now?