That's's official! Jarad graduated Friday, May 2nd, 2008 from the University of Utah with his BA in Communications! I am so proud of him and all his hard work and dedication to accomlishing something so amazing! We had a great day with graduation. Family came in and we all headed to the Huntsman Center for the Commencement of the College of Humanities. We took some pre-graduated photos and then located some prime seating and waited for the excitement to begin. We wished they would have skipped all the awards of faculty, etc. etc. and just read the graduates names! But after a while it was finally time...and they read...JARAD ALLAN REDDEKOPP!!! Blow horns, whistles and screams boomed from our row in excitement and pride of Jarad. After the ceremonies were over, we of course took some more photos with everyone. Then Jarad and I treked to the bookstore for a free U of U medallion they gave to all graduates. Here are a few of the pictures we took!
Walking to the Huntsman Center...all ready to go!
And he's on the floor...ready to get his diploma! (well just the case really)
Here is the video of Jarad getting his diploma...sorry it's not the best...I've new at this video thing!
Jarad & Mom & Steve
Jarad & Alan & Angela
Jarad, Me, & my Mom & Dad
Later that night, we had a bar-b-qUe! It turned out great! Thanks to everyone who came and especially to our family for helping us plan and prepare all the food, etc.! Mnay of our friends, family, etc. were there to celebrate Jarad's accomplishment. I think good times were had by all! Below are some pictures from the BBQ.
Jarad chatting with Cole & Maura
Chad & Tara and Brian & Michelle
MJ, Tarina, my Mom and Chris
Jarad & his graduation cake :)
Jenn & Lindsey
Me & Tarina- twins seperated at birth!
Stansworth's in the background, and Aunt Joyce & Lin being crazy!
Nathan & Drew- Jarad's step-bro's...sorry Angela, I never got your picture!